You are invited to become a member of the Zen Center of San Diego. Membership provides an opportunity to strengthen your practice commitment and to support and nourish the ongoing work of the Center. While everyone is welcome to attend ZCSD, membership ensures access to one-on-one meetings with Practice Leaders and includes a discount on sesshin fees.
The Center is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers; it depends entirely on donations and membership dues to pay its bills and keep the doors open. We are deeply grateful for this support!
Members can pledge at a level appropriate to their situation and their wish to support ZCSD:
Founding: for those who wish to make a substantial contribution toward the Center's operation: $45/month minimum donation.
Practicing: for single people who are local and have regular access to ZCSD: $30/month minimum donation.
Family Practicing: for couples who are married or have been living together for at least one year (minor children can be included): $45/month minimum donation.
Student/Senior: for full time students (with 12 units or more, and a monthly income of $500 or less) and retired seniors on fixed incomes: $20/month minimum donation.
Affiliate: for those who live at a distance: $15/month minimum donation.
Family Affiliate: for couples who qualify as affiliates, and their minor children: $20/month minimum donation.
Please know that no one has ever been denied practice for monetary reasons.
Before becoming a member, local people are asked to attend a Newcomer Orientation session, sit at the Center several times, and read the Meditation Hall Procedures.
To apply for membership, complete a membership application and make your first two months' donation in advance. The form and donation can be (1) emailed to and paid via Paypal , (2) placed in an envelope and put in the Membership Folder in the ZCSD kitchen-office, or (3) mailed to:
Membership Coordinator
Zen Center San Diego
2047 Felspar Street
San Diego, CA 92109
The Membership Coordinator will respond to your application.
Zen Center members can pay dues with PayPal on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. There is a small transaction fee for the service which has been added to the payment. Many members find it convenient to set up online Payment via Paypal.
Payments can also be scheduled for automatic payment from a checking account or credit card. And paper checks are welcome, too, though we encourage members to pay their dues with PayPal to help us streamline accounting procedures.
For more information, email or speak with the Membership Coordinator in person at ZCSD.
Thank you for your interest in practicing with ZCSD.