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All day sittings are held periodically. When the next all day sitting is scheduled you will find the date and more information here. Below is a sample schedule of a short form all day sitting.


7:00    Zazen (Please be seated by 6:55)
7:30    Kinhin
7:40    Zazen
8:10     Break for Breakfast
8:30    Work Practice

9:00     Zazen
9:30     Kinhin
9:40     Zazen
10:10    Kinhin
10:20   Zazen
10:45   Service
11:00   Dharma Talk
11:45    Break for Lunch

1:00     Zazen
1:30     Kinhin
1:40     Zazen
2:10     Kinhin
2:20    Zazen
2:50    Reading
3:00    Closing Vows and Bows

There is no charge for this event, though donations are welcome. Participants can bring food with them and use the kitchen. There are also places to eat in the neighborhood.